Well this only has a little bit to do with my house (I promise the next post will be about my updates).
Eric (my boyfriend) and I planned a trip to Charleston, SC for my birthday in July. I hadn't been to Charleston since high school. Let's face it- experiencing Charleston as a high school student is much different than enjoying the sites as an adult.
We totally lucked out and got an amazing townhouse in Mt. Pleasant. Before we left, Eric also surprised me with an hour massage at the spa. I was pretty impressed with his plans for the week. Little did I know he had another surprise for me!
When I got back from teaching yoga on Saturday morning we packed the car and said goodbye to my pup. I was waiting in the kitchen for Eric and all of sudden he yelled from my room that I had forgotten something.
Well I wasn't too happy because I knew I hadn't forgotten anything! From the kitchen, I asked him what it was. He yelled "your hair thingy." At this point, I was just annoyed so I walked back to my room to prove to him that I hadn't forgotten anything and when I turned the corner to walk in my room, Eric was down on one knee with a beautiful ring and he asked me the most important question- Will you marry me?
I was totally shocked and speechless. After a huge hug and kisses I said yes and had a chance to look at the beautiful ring!
It is amazing! event has a surprise diamond for me to see when I drive :)
I truly have a prince charming that I can't wait to call my husband.
So instead of spending the weekend in Charleston with my boyfriend, I got to spend it with my fiance!
Celebrating our engagement at Pearlz when we got to Charleston! The Oyster Shooters were amazing!
Let me be cheesy just for the weekend :) enjoying a mimosa on Sunday morning at brunch :)
Beautiful bridge in Charleston!
No- we did not drink all this wine to celebrate :) The townhouse we stayed at had this huge bowl and each cork had the occasion of why the bottle was opened. Our "engagement" cork is on the top!
Relaxing at the beach :) next summer we will be on the beach for our honeymoon!!!!